Advancements in Online Learning: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review in The Last Decade




Education, Online learning, Physics, Physics education, Systematic literature review


The use and popularity of online learning platforms have brought about significant changes to the delivery of physics education. This paper presents a comprehensive systematic literature review on the latest advancements in online learning for physics in the last decade from 2013-2022. The review examined 53 articles following the PRISMA protocol and categorized them based on their research focus, methods, and findings using VoSviewer as a bibliographic analyzer. Additionally, the paper discusses the growth of online learning in physics based on metadata such as papers per year, citations number, sources of articles (journals), publisher, country where the research be done, and the platforms utilized. The findings suggest that online physics learning has become more interactive, engaging, and learner-centered, resulting in improved understanding of the subject matter. However, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed and solved, including student motivation and instructor support, to optimize the effectiveness of online physics learning. This review contributes to the field by identifying the strengths and limitations of online learning in physics education and providing insights for educators and researchers to enhance the design and implementation of online physics courses in school or university.

Author Biographies

Nadya Amalia Putri Hapsari, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Physics Education Department

Mundilarto, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Physics Education Department


Hapsari, N.A.P. & Mundilarto. (2025). Advancements in online learning: A comprehensive systematic literature review in the last decade. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 6(1), 29-47.





