Optimizing High School Mathematics Achievement through the Lens of Realistic Mathematics Education: The Mediating Role of Teacher Self-Efficacy





Mathematics achievement, Realistic mathematics education, Self-Determination Theory, Structural Equation Modeling, Teaching quality, Teacher self-efficacy


This study examines the relationship between teaching quality, teacher self-efficacy, and students' mathematics achievement among junior high school students in Ghana, utilizing Realistic Mathematics Education and Self-Determination Theory as frameworks. A stratified purposive sample of 507 junior high school mathematics teachers from eight regions was selected, employing a correlational cross-sectional survey design. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) tested the hypotheses that teaching quality positively affects mathematics achievement, teacher self-efficacy influences teaching quality, and self-efficacy mediates the relationship between teaching quality and achievement. Results confirmed that high-quality teaching significantly improves mathematics achievement, especially when contextualized with RME principles. Teacher self-efficacy emerged as a critical factor in enhancing teaching quality and directly influencing student outcomes. Mediation analysis showed that teacher self-efficacy strengthens the effect of teaching quality on achievement. These findings highlight the need for educational policies to focus on professional development that boosts teachers' efficacy and promotes realistic, student-centered instructional strategies.

Author Biographies

Ernest Frimpong Akosah, Akenten Appiah – Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Kumasi-Ghana.

ERNEST FRIMPONG ERNEST is a Ph.D candidate in Mathematics Education at Akenten Appiah – Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Kumasi-Ghana. He is also a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics & I.C.T at Peki College of Education; Post Office Box 14, Peki – Ghana, email: akferst@gmail.com. He was the forma quality assurance officer and currently the head of department of Mathematics & I.C.T department at Peki College of Education. His research focuses on realistic mathematics education, urban mathematics education, ethno mathematics, teaching mathematics for social justice, mathematics curriculum, valuing in mathematics education, teacher education, and instruction.

Yarhands Dissou Arthur, Akenten Appiah – Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Kumasi-Ghana.

YARHANDS DISSOU ARTHUR, Ph.D is an Associate Professor lecturering in Mathematics Education Department of faculty of applied science and mathematics education at Akenten Appiah – Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Kumasi-Ghana; Post Office Box 12777, Tanoso - Kumasi; email: ydarthur@aamusted.edu.gh. He is currently, the Dean of students of Faculty of Applied Sciences and Mathematics Education. His research focuses on History of mathematics, STEM education, ethnomathematics, structural equation modeling, and problem-solving.

Benjamin Adu Obeng, Akenten Appiah – Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Kumasi-Ghana.

BENJAMIN ADU OBENG, Ph.D is a Reverend minister of God and a lecturer in Mathematics Education Department of faculty of applied science and mathematics education at Akenten Appiah – Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Kumasi-Ghana; Post Office Box 12777, Tanoso - Kumasi; email: baduobeng@aamusted.edu.gh His research focuses on Psychology of learning, STEM education, statistics, mathematics curriculum, and problem-solving.


Akosah, E.F., Arthur, Y.D., & Obeng, B.A. (2025). Optimizing high school mathematics achievement through the lens of realistic mathematics education: The mediating role of teacher self-efficacy. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 6(2), 192-211. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijses.128





