Deciphering Baseline Rates in Developmental Mathematics Education Through the Lenses of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Junalyn Navarra-Madsen
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Around fifty-five and twenty-three percent of US students entering two-year community colleges and four-year higher education institutions, respectively, are not ready for college courses. This process is quite costly, costing up to an estimated $7.5 billion a year. This retrospective research project will focus on Developmental Mathematics Education at Texas Woman’s University, the largest university system focused on women as well as a Hispanic-Serving Institution. A decade-long developmental mathematics education data set is used to decipher the baseline rates such as pass rates (with grades A, B, C), fail (F) and withdrawal rates (W). Statistical analyses such as exploratory data analysis and trend analysis will be employed. Equity-minded and inclusive institutional practices are presented. This paper reports a few equity-minded research-based practices that had a tremendous positive influence to increase the success of almost all DME students at TWU.


Developmental Mathematics, Best Remediation Practices, College Readiness, Persistence Rates, Corequisite Courses, Equity

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