University Students’ Preferences of Representation Types in Learning Calculus
Calculus, GeoGebra, Multiple representations, Representation preference, Representation typeAbstract
This study investigated students’ performance and preferences on representation types as a result of multiple representations approach in calculus. The mixed method was used to carry out the pretest and posttest quasi experimental design of the non-equivalent groups. Three intact classes of size 53, 57 and 54 students from Jigjiga and Kebri-Dehar Universities in Ethiopia were the participants. The groups were taught with GeoGebra supported multiple representations approach (MRT), multiple representations approach only (MR) and conventional approach (CG). Pretest and posttest on representation type and preference were administered. The representation types were numerical, algebraic, graphical, verbal and combination. Statistically significant mean differences were obtained between the three groups on the algebraic and combination as they were determined by ANOVA (F (2,161) = 6.28, P = .002) and ANCOVA (F (1,160), P <.001), respectively, to the benefit of MRT but not on the others. The three groups demonstrated the same patterns of representation preference in the order of graphical, algebraic and verbal, and students have provided various reasons for preferring a representation type in solving calculus problem. Recommendations are forwarded that incorporating GeoGebra and further research is required to generalize to the entire population.References
Gebru, N. A., Wyesus, K. M., & Alemu, S. A. (2020). University students’ preferences of representation types in learning calculus. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 1(2), 157-177.
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