A Comparative Investigation of the Mathematical Creativity of Filipino and Japanese Students

Lady Angela M. Rocena, Ma. Nympha B. Joaquin
713 370


In order to produce individuals who can thrive in a society that is getting more and more digital, the education world deems it important to not only develop students’ computational skills but their creative thinking skills as well. Previous studies have likewise given premium to mathematical creativity as its positive correlation to mathematical achievement has been observed. This link between creativity and achievement and the undeniable gap between the mathematical achievement of East and Southeast Asian students drove the present study to analyze the gap in the light of mathematical creativity. This research explored the mathematical creativity of Filipino and Japanese students in terms of fluency, flexibility, and originality. A matched sample of one-hundred forty Filipino and Japanese Grade 7 students participated by completing non-routine mathematical tasks in a researcher-made instrument which was content-validated, pilot-tested, and subjected to reliability testing. Statistical tests applied to the test results revealed that the mathematical creativity of the Japanese students is significantly better than those of the Filipino students. To substantiate the quantitative findings, classroom observations were conducted, and textbooks and modules were analyzed. Finally, the study’s implications to mathematics teaching and learning were discussed.


Mathematical creativity, Comparative study, Fluency, Flexibility, Originality

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Rocena, L. A. M. & Joaquin, M. N. B. (2021). A comparative investigation of the mathematical creativity of Filipino and Japanese students. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 2(1), 59-73.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46328/ijses.22


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