Commemorating One-Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Indonesian and International Issues of Secondary and Tertiary Mathematics Learning

Robert Harry Soesanto, Kurnia Putri Sepdikasari Dirgantoro
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A year into the COVID-19 crisis has revealed massive and substantial changes in the world of education. Educators have had to quickly develop effective online learning environments for their students. This study focuses specifically on mathematics learning issues during this first pandemic year. A systematic literature study using a scope review approach was conducted to capture issues on a national and international scale in the context of secondary and tertiary education. Through the identification of national and international articles from various reputable journals, it was evident that there was little research that specifically explored learning mathematics online during the pandemic although several issues were found related to students’ mathematics competencies, aspects of learning, and affective domains. These findings will hopefully stimulate researchers to bridge the still large research gap related to the causality of implementing mathematics learning in times of crisis in order to contribute to developing pedagogical strategies to improve students’ mathematics performance and attitudes.


Pandemic learning, Mathematics learning, Secondary issue, Tertiary education

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Soesanto, R. H. & Dirgantoro, K. P. S. (2021). Commemorating one-year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Indonesian and international issues of secondary and tertiary mathematics learning. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 2(1), 18- 35.



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