Development of an Electronic-Based Educational Game Board for Teaching Kindergarten Kid Basic Number through Game Using Arduino
Education, Mathematics, Game, Board, ArduinoAbstract
Mathematics is an essential part of learning for all children especially in their early childhood stage. Besides that, a good and firm grounding in mathematics is also an important skill that can be applied in daily life. Therefore, children will start to learn numeracy in the first stage of learning mathematics because it can help them to improve their skills like problem solving, critical thinking and form the building blocks for higher math concept levels. The main difficulty is that children need something that can attract their attention and obviously they want something which is funny and enjoyable. The main purpose of having this project is to design an electronic-based educational game board that can teach kindergarten kids basic numbers through games using Arduino. This game board will be able to help the teacher to teach kids basic numbers and as well as enumeration of big and small numbers. The architecture of the game board is using Arduino UNO as the microcontroller that translates the code to electronic components execution. Moreover, this project is a new attempt throughout all the semesters. This game board is developed with a combination of hardware and software. The questions will display on the I2C LCD and the kids need to place the correct answer card on the board. If the answer is correct, the yellow LED will turn on and if it is wrong, the red LED will turn on. The game board contains 10 counting questions. The I2C liquid crystal display (I2C LCD) will display the questions and the instruction will display on smart phone by using the MIT application. In addition, this project needs to be tested in kindergarten whether it is helpful or not for the teacher and the kids. An interview session will be done with the teachers to collect the data. After analyzing the data, a statistic will be done as a reference for the future improvement of this project.References
Yoon, W. L., Samsudin, A., Abidin, A. F. Z. & Azmi, E. F. (2022). Development of an electronic-based educational game board for teaching kindergarten kid basic number through game using Arduino. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 3(2), 132-142.
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