Teaching Preparedness of Pre-Service Teachers: Perception to Practice
Preservice teachers, Theory, Practice, Gaps, Science education, Teaching preparednessAbstract
It is expected from the teacher education institution to shape pre-service teachers in responding to the innovations of the 21st century – implementing life-long learning, guaranteeing the standard of education, and coaching of people for prosperous skilled activities. Thus, the study identified the gaps between theory and practice that might have huge and vital impacts on their professional growth, possible benefits, and challenges to develop and guarantee more efficient and comprehensive teaching-learning practices for all. The study made use of phenomenological research design, specifically descriptive design using narrative analysis. The validated instrument (Questionnaire) were distributed to the respondents (n=45; Secondary Pre-service Science Student Intern) and a purposive sampling was utilized on selected Tertiary Education Institutions. Thematic analysis was applied. Several gaps emerged between theory and practice of pre service science teachers which may have vital impacts for our future educators.References
Ramirez, I. A. L. (2020). Teaching preparedness of pre-service teachers: Perception to practice. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 1(1), 15-35.
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