Student Teachers’ Perspectives on Teacher Training and Distance Learning
COVID-19, Zoom, Remote learning, Academy-Class Model, Teacher trainingAbstract
The aim of the study is to examine the effect of training and experiencing teaching via Zoom on the perception of students in Academia - Kitta Model (a clinical teacher training program) in Israel. An attitude questionnaire was developed in order to examine students’ attitudes and perceptions. The questionnaire included 36 items designed to analyze attitudes and perceptions of Zoom effectiveness for teaching and training, challenges, the effect of Zoom on pedagogy and emotional and social attitudes. The findings of our research showed that most students reported negative attitudes towards the technical challenges brought about by the use of Zoom, while most trainees held positive attitudes towards the use of this tool for training guidance. Moreover, the vast majority of student teachers had positive emotional-social attitudes during this period. Therefore, we recommend incorporating remote training in working with students and improving the technical approach to these tools.References
Murad, T., Assadi, N., & Ibdah, M. (2021). Student teachers’ perspectives on teacher training and distance learning. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 2(1), 1- 17.
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