New Studies in Mathematics Trails
Handheld devices, Mathematics activity, Mathematics trail, Outdoor educationAbstract
The paper is about new technological approaches to mathematics trails and current developments in the empirical research on mathematics trails. For a long time, maths trails have been used for the popularization of mathematics. Therefore previous research has focused on motivational aspects and the change of mathematical beliefs. With the successful shift from pencil-and-paper maths trails to mobile devices and new technology came new ways to collect data and perform research on maths trails. Besides the classical maths trail activity, students show more motivation towards mathematics because of mobile devices and tasks that illustrate the usefulness and possible mathematics applications. Furthermore, walking a maths trail leads to a better mathematical performance than having a regular lecture without going outdoors or such activity. It affects long-term memory and intrinsic motivation positively.References
Zender, J., Gurjanow, I., Cahyono, A. N., & Ludwig, M. (2020). New studies in mathematics trails. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 1(1), 1-14.
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