Triumphs and Struggles in Teaching the English Language
English language, Teaching, IssuesAbstract
This study aims to explore the current situations of the teaching and learning of the English language at Visayas State University. It reveals the joys and pains of the teachers in teaching the target language. The key informant in this study is the teachers handling the English language subject and the data were gathered through interviews. Using thematic analysis, it was found out that teachers see teaching a satisfying job not mainly because of the salary but because they can practice their forte. The progress that they see in the students in the use of the English language provides self-satisfaction for the teachers. The pains that teachers experience in their current situation in English language teaching revolves around the attitude and motivation of the students in the learning process, the lack of resources that can be used in teaching, the learning environment such as the unconducive classroom and lack of internet. The support of the school administration for the teachers’ training and professional development is seen as a problem and needs full support.References
Domingo, P. (2020). Triumphs and struggles in teaching the English language. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 1(1), 59-79.
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