The Influence of Internet Use on University Students’ Moral Behavior
Moral behaviour, Internet use, Ethical behaviour, University studentsAbstract
The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of the internet use on university students` moral behavior in South West Region Cameroon. The researcher used mixed research method design involving both qualitative and quantitative methods. The sample size used was 100 students from HTTTC Kumba all departments from levels 200 and 300. Four lecturers were also interviewed. From the findings, majority of the respondents indicated that some of their private information has been disclosed without their permission; they have been involved in plagiarism, betting, cyber bullying, illegal downloading and many other vices. These issues can be handled through guidance and counselling sessions for students. Also, each department should use plagiarism detection software and each lecturer is expected to be trained in using the software in order to combat plagiarism.References
Moluayonge, G.E. & Nasumba, E.M. (2024). The influence of Internet use on university students’ moral behavior. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 5(3), 281-292.
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