An In-Depth Qualitative Exploration of Normale Lecture Classes (NLec) in Mathematics: Understanding Student Experiences and Pedagogical Implications
Qualitative exploration, Normale lecture classes, Mathematics, Students' experiences, Mathematical implicationsAbstract
Normale Lectures is a delivery model of academic coursework designed as an innovative response to address the challenges of human and infrastructural limitations. To respond to these challenges, the Philippine Normal University has developed an academic course delivery model called PNU Normale Lectures, or NLec. Along this line, I was interested in exploring general education students' experiences in NLec mathematics class. With this, an open-ended questionnaire was administered to the eighty-three students of the Philippine Normal University, Visayas. Responses generated five essential themes about their challenges: a) classroom environment and distractions; b) teacher’s impact and teaching style; c) personal engagement and learning difficulties; d) classroom structure and size; and e) online learning and technology. Coping strategies, on the other hand, are (a) study materials and notes; (b) peer and teacher support; (c) online resources and technology; (d) positive attitude and motivation; (e) practice and review; and (f) active listening and notetaking. These findings underscore the complex nature of these challenges and emphasize the importance of educators and institutions addressing them for improved student outcomes. The study also identified coping strategies, highlighting the need for innovative approaches to enhance the mathematics education experience for these students.References
Marpa, E.P. (2024). An in-depth qualitative exploration of Normale Lecture Classes (NLec) in mathematics: Understanding student experiences and pedagogical implications. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 5(3), 257-280.
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