Performing 1-1 Interventions to Address Mathematics Anxiety – An Intervention Case Study of 3 Brazilian Women Who Believed They Were Stupid in Mathematics




Mathematics anxiety, Mathematical resilience, Growth zone model, Mathematics education, Psychoeducation


Mathematics Anxiety is well-researched, but solutions are few. This study shows the potential to provide an affordable solution, one that could ultimately be rolled out across the country and the world. The 1:1 interventions involve inviting the participants to tell their math story and then introducing the Mathematical Resilience Framework and reframing adverse prior experiences as unrelated to intrinsic ability. The framework includes three tools: the hand model of the brain, the growth zone model, and the relaxation response. The intervention participants were Brazilian volunteers living in England from the local and virtual communities. The levels of Mathematics Anxiety were measured before the intervention using the Betz (1978) scale, and narrative records were made. The qualitative data were analyzed using deductive thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) through the lens of the Mathematical Resilience Framework. The data indicated the positive impact of performing this kind of intervention.

Author Biographies

Karina Lumena Alves, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil.

PhD student, Psychology Department

Telma Pará, Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica, FAETEC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Teacher and Researcher, ICT Department

Sue Johnston-Wilder, University of Warwick, UK

Associate Professor - Education Studies Department

Janet Baker, Arden University, UK

Senior Lecturer, School of Digital Education


Alves, K.L., Pará, T., Johnston-Wilder, S., & Baker, J. (2024). Performing 1-1 interventions to address mathematics anxiety – An intervention case study of 3 Brazilian women who believed they were stupid in mathematics. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 5(4), 354-373.





