Increasing Student Success in Mathematics and Statistics through Sustainable Faculty Professional Development
Professional development, Faculty, Mathematics, Student EngagementAbstract
Inclusive and student-centered approaches to teaching are crucial for student success in mathematics and statistics courses. However, faculty need ongoing support and education to effectively implement active learning strategies that address issues such as equitable participation, to ensure all students meet their learning objectives. At California State University Monterey Bay, we have implemented a professional development model focusing on regular professional development activities that meet the ongoing needs of our faculty that will help their students succeed. This model supports both new and experienced faculty, drawing on existing campus expertise while building faculty teaching skills and a stronger teaching and learning community over time. In this paper, we discuss the lessons learned from the first year of implementing our professional development model, as well as considerations for other departments that are interested in creating a similar model for professional development aimed at increasing student success, building community in the department, and improving teaching and learning for students and faculty.References
Clinkenbeard, J. & Ultan, S. (2024). Increasing student success in mathematics and statistics through sustainable faculty professional development. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 5(4), 374-389.
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