Integrating Workbook-Making in Learning Calculus during the Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study
Calculus, Workbook-making, Phenomenological study, Thematic analysisAbstract
Calculus is one of the courses considered frustrating and difficult by most learners. This frustration, along with difficulty encountered, is coupled with the challenges brought about by the paradigm shift to online learning. In an effort to address some of these challenges, the teacher-researcher employed project-based learning through workbook-making in hopes of improving students' learning. The study used a phenomenological approach to investigate the second year Bachelor of Secondary Education- Mathematics students’ lived experiences in workbook-making during the pandemic. The study utilized simple random sampling among the students who were taking Calculus course during the second semester of the school year 2020-2021. Eleven (11) students responded and were subjected to semi-structured interview questions. Using thematic analysis, three themes emerged: (1) Difficulties and Challenges in making Calculus workbook during the Pandemic, (2) Strategies employed to make Calculus workbook during the Pandemic, and (3) Workbook-making as a tool in learning Calculus. The result of the study may be a springboard for other Mathematics educators to devise learning interventions or apply project-based learning, specifically workbook-making, in enhancing students’ learning, not only in Calculus but Mathematics in general, during the pandemic. It can also serve as a baseline in conducting related studies in other fields and levels.References
Travero, A. S. (2023). Integrating workbook-making in learning calculus during the pandemic: A phenomenological study. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 4(1), 19-30.
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