Mathematical Modelling with Engineering Students PBL Methodology and Proposal of a Quantitative Evaluation Rubric
Problem based learning, Integral calculus, Mathematical modeling, Engineering students, Evaluation rubricAbstract
The implementation of a PBL pedagogical experiment intended to understand how 2nd year students of engineering programs of Aeronautics and Materials Sciences applied mathematical contents to problem solving, specifically as regards geometrical modelling of an object and calculating its volume and centre of mass resorting to triple integrals. A qualitative methodology was used, this being a study whose importance consisted in a pedagogical experiment, which drove students to problematization, research and interdisciplinarity. At the end, we can conclude that this experiment has contributed to fostering the motivation and efficiency of significant learning of calculus contents. Students considered they were stimulated to use contents taught in class, deeming it an excellent initiative, which led them to escape the usual format of teaching and proved to be quite effective in grasping and applying knowledge, an initiative that should be maintained. They also stated they had acquired tools that could help them to overcome future difficulties and that their awareness level regarding application of theory to practice increased. The construction of a quantitative evaluation rubric, which is applied, is also presented, and resulted in an 81% grade for the undertaken activity.References
Rézio, S., Pires, J., & Pinheiro, P. (2023). Mathematical modelling with engineering students PBL methodology and proposal of a quantitative evaluation rubric. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 4(1), 1-18.
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