Probabilistic Thinking for Life: The Decision-Making Ability of Professionals in Uncertain Situations
Cross-examination approach, Probabilistic literacy, Probabilistic logic, Probabilistic thinking, Probabilistic reasoning, Decision-makingAbstract
Although most experts in the field believe that the study of probability would equip people in making good decisions, they have overlooked the need to examine professionals’ decision-making ability in their daily activities after many years of probability studies. This study explored four non-mathematics teachers who studied probability at High and Primary schools. It appears no one has written about this topic. Despite this scholarly neglect, this study explains the need for research in the area and offers an initial interpretation of this new area. The study contends that understanding people who studied probability at least 13-years ago could provide us with insight on how people use probability in making decisions on uncertain situations and to inform the teaching of probability. Content analysis was done on the recorded data. The participants’ response to tasks and questions revealed their inability to apply probabilistic skills in uncertain situations. The participants appear to be either overconfident or making choices out of habit, without a critical assessment of the various possibilities and their consequences. This study calls for a ‘cross-examination approach’ in the development of probabilistic thinking skills among students.References
Hokor, E. K. (2023). Probabilistic thinking for life: The decision-making ability of professionals in uncertain situations. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 4(1), 31-54.
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