Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends in Problem Based Learning and Problem Solving Ability (2002-2022)
Bibliometric analysis, Problem Based Learning, Problem Solving AbilityAbstract
This study aims to analyze research trends in problem-based learning and problem-solving ability through bibliometric analysis in the databases from 2002 to 2022. The method used is bibliometric analysis with stages following the flow chart of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). The results of the research show that the number of problem-based learning publications and problem-solving ability has continued to increase since 2018. The number of publications on problem-based learning and problem-solving ability ranks first in the field of education. While the most published journal is the Journal of Physics Conference Series. The first rank in the number of publications reviewed by the researcher, I Made Arnawa. Based on the keywords problem based learning and problem solving ability the two are not connected. Thus, the topic of problem-based learning and problem-solving ability can be used as novelty for research and will become a trend in the future. Articles that can be used as references in research that reviews problem-based learning and problem-solving ability are from the Journal of Physics Conferences Series. Meanwhile, the author who can be used as a reference is I Made Arnawa.References
Wulandari, W. & Suparman, S. (2024). Bibliometric analysis of research trends in problem based learning and problem solving ability (2002-2022). International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 5(1), 13-28.
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