An In-Depth Literature Review of Remote, Online, and Hybrid Learning with Case Studies of Successful and Failed Attempts
Remote Learning, Online Learning, Hybrid Learning, Pedagogical Approaches, Technology Integration, Distance Education, Course Design, Learner Engagement, Faculty Development, Institutional SupportAbstract
This literature review traces the historical development and changing educational delivery modalities to examine the evolution, application, and effects of remote, online, and hybrid learning models. It offers a theoretical framework outlining important educational ideas and techniques, concentrating on how different learning styles are considered within these paradigms and their difficulties and advantages. The paper emphasizes how significant technology developments have influenced remote learning, especially when combining synchronous and asynchronous learning techniques in hybrid models. Effective course design, learner engagement, technology infrastructure, faculty training, and institutional support are all factors that contribute to successful implementation. The study also contains case studies demonstrating successful and failed implementation initiatives, emphasizing the techniques, instructional approaches, technological integrations employed, and results and outcomes obtained. The analysis suggests best practices and suggestions for educators, institutions, and legislators to improve the effective implementation of various learning models, address possible issues, and offer enough faculty and student support. This thorough literature analysis provides insights into the dynamic interaction between pedagogy, technology, and institutional support in distant, online, and hybrid learning, serving as a significant resource in education and learning.References
Meylani, R. (2024). An in-depth literature review of remote, online, and hybrid learning with case studies of successful and failed attempts. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 5(1), 29-42.
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