Mathematics Learning Centers – Not Just for the Elementary Classroom
Learning center, Secondary mathematics, Mathematics instructionAbstract
Given the recent trajectory of secondary mathematics performance in the United States, as compared to international counterparts, this design and development case study aimed to explore the varied pedagogical practice and its impact on mathematics proficiency. This study sought to improve mathematics proficiency through varied instructional practices. During one algebra unit, two instructional modalities were employed, by the same instructor, to two separate groups of students. Quantitative measures were captured through the descriptive statistics of Pre-test, Post-test, and Reaction Survey results. The Kirkpatrick Model (Level I and II) was also employed. In addition, qualitative data were obtained through Researcher Notes, Researcher Experience Journal, and Participant Journals. Findings suggested the effectiveness of a learning center pedagogical design, including peer collaboration, technology, and small group, as it yielded higher proficiency than traditional direct instruction. Pre- to Post-Test scores revealed a 1.727 higher mean growth in the experimental group over the control group (Culleny, 2021).References
Culleny, S.R. (2024). Mathematics learning centers – Not just for the elementary classroom. International Journal of Studies in Education and Science (IJSES), 5(3), 182-294.
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